Zujin GUO

I am a research engineer in Nanyang Technological University, at MMLab@NTU, advised by Prof. Chen Change Loy, working closely with Dr. Wei Li. My research interests include computer vision and deep learning with a focus on visual modeling and understanding.

I received my Master degree in Artificial Intelligence at Nanyang Technological University in 2023 and B.Eng in Automation at XJTU in 2020.

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profile photo
Generalizable Implicit Motion Modeling for Video Frame Interpolation
Zujin Guo, Wei Li, Chen Change Loy
arxiv, 2024
Paper / Code / Project page

Pair then Relation: Pair-Net for Panoptic Scene Graph Generation
Jinghao Wang, Zhengyu Wen, Xiangtai Li, Zujin Guo, Jingkang Yang, Ziwei Liu
arxiv, 2023
Paper / Code

Panoptic Video Scene Graph Generation
Jingkang Yang, Wenxuan Peng, Xiangtai Li, Zujin Guo, Liangyu Chen, Bo Li, Zheng Ma, Wayne Zhang, Kaiyang Zhou, Chen Change Loy, Ziwei Liu
CVPR, 2023
Paper / Code

Panoptic Scene Graph Generation
Jingkang Yang, Yi Zhe Ang, Zujin Guo, Kaiyang Zhou, Wayne Zhang Ziwei Liu
ECCV, 2022
Paper / Code / Project page / Demo

Relate Anything
Zujin Guo, Bo Li, Jingkang Yang, Zijian Zhou (alphabetical order)
Code / Demo

  • PSG: Dataset and Benchmark for Panoptic Scene Graph Generation (PSG), ECCV'22
  • RAM: Code for Relate Anything
Academic Service
    Reviewer: CVPR 2024, ECCV 2024, NeurIPS 2024

Last update: May 2024      Template